Scientific Committee


Iakovou Eleftherios Director of Manufacturing and Logistics Innovation Initiatives at the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) and a Professor and TEES Research Professor at the Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution at Texas A&M University.
Aidonis Dimitrios Assistant Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece
Achillas Charisios Assistant Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece
Berutto Remigio Professor, University of Torino, Italy
Blanas Georgios Professor, TEI of Thessaly, Greece
Bochtis Dionysis Director of CERTH/iBO, Center for Research and Technology  Greece
Bui Thi Nga Department of Business Management, Faculty of Accounting and Business Management, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Vietnam
Delaballe Anne Service international, GIP FIPAG, Académie de Grenoble
Haralambides Hercules Professor of Maritime Economics & Logistics at Erasmus University Rotterdam.  Chair Professor, MEL, at Shanghai Maritime University, The Netherlands
Hung Hoang Trong (PhD) Vice Dean – Faculty of Business Administration – College of Economics – Hue University, Vietnam
Hung Pham Xuan (PhD) Head  –  Office of Science, Technology and International Cooperation – College of Economics – Hue University, Vietnam
Karagiannis Dimitrios Professor , Universität Wien, Computer Science, Head of Research Group of Knowledge Engineering, Austria
Kelemis Athanasios Associate Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece
Keramydas Christos Assistant Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece
Moussiopoulos Nikolas Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Moustakis Vasileios Professor, University of Crete, Greece
Ntziachristos Leonidas Associate Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Nenes George Assistant Professor, University of Western Macedonia, Greece
Panagiotidou Sofia Assistant Professor, University of Western Macedonia, Greece
Pietro Evangelista – PhD Senior Researcher in Logistics and SCM
Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development (IRISS),
National Research Council (CNR) Naples, Italy
Preslav Dimitrov Associate Professor, Head of the “Tourism” Department and Dean of the Faculty of Economics of The South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Bulgaria
Sambrakos Evangelos Professor, University of Piraeus, Greece
Sοrensen Claus Aage Grοn Professor Aarhus University, Department of Engineering, Denmark
Stafyla Amalia Assistant Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece
Stergioulas Lampros Professor, University of Surrey, England
Teneketzis Demosthenis Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, USA
Tran Huu Cuong Associate Professor,  Dean faculty of Accounting and Business Management,

Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Vietnam

Tsarouchas Panagiotis Associate Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece
Tsolakis Naoum Research Associate
University of Cambridge, Institute for Manufacturing, UK
Vidovic Milorad Professor, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Vlachos Dimitrios Laboratory of Quantitative Analysis, Logistics and Supply Chain Management of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece
Voulgarakis Nikolaos Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece
Folinas Dimitrios Associate Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece


Organizing Committee


Dimitrios Triantafyllou Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece
Nikolaos Voulgarakis Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece
Athanasios Kelemis Associate Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece
Panagiotis Tsarouchas Associate Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece
Dimitris Folinas Associate Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece
Dimitrios Aidonis Assistant Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece
Charisios Achillas Assistant Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece
Christos Keramydas Assistant Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece
Amalia Stafyla Assistant Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece

Proceedings Editing

Dimitris Folinas Associate Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece
Dimitrios Aidonis Assistant Professor, Department of Logistics TEI of Central Macedonia, Greece


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