Extension of deadline to June 30 !!!

Dear sirs,
We announce an extension of the deadline for submission of abstracts for our conference. New deadline is now   June  22,  2018.
·         New important dates :
·         Notification of acceptance for abstracts submitted before  1 of June ,  June 20, 2018
·         Notification of acceptance for late  submitted  abstracts,   June 30, 2018
·         Deadline for submission of full papers( up to 5000 words)  July 30,  2018
·         Early registration deadline                                                      August  31, 2018
·         ICSC Conference                                                    September 14 and 15,  2018
We also mention that all full papers will be published in the 4th  Olympus ICSC Proceedings and selected peer reviewed papers will be published in  announced scientific journals.
If submission is limited to abstract only, presentation can be done only in poster session.
Please  forward this message  to your contacts
From the Secretariat of the
4th  Olympus ICSC 2018
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